I came to know about merge through my friend, my colleague and my partner Gireesh. Thanks for the effort he put in.
I came to know about merge through my friend, my colleague and my partner Gireesh. Thanks for the effort he put in.
It is the umpteenth time i am starting on wcf, however each time since the study is not documented, i find myself staring at the same place. Hoping this documentation through my blog will help me graduate to the next step.
Now with the steps outlined, i will be posting each step as a separate blog, i will also be updating a list of all references to learn wcf i come across in a separate blog.
Recently we came across the condition where there were multiple schema’s for the same object. Hope someone finds this useful.
This was solved using by running the result set of this query.
Select 'Alter Schema dbo Transfer ' + [s].name+'.' from sys.schemas s inner join sys.objects o on s.schema_id = o.schema_id and = 'Test_user'
So what does this do?
This simply transfers each object’s schema to dbo.