Friday, December 24, 2010

Making the url seo friendly in MVC

While performing search engine optimization on our online movie booking website  which is developed in mvc, i came across a few issues which i am now blogging about.


The movies details page of our website had the url, now the problem with such a url is:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Visual Studio Debugging - Unable to evaluate the expression


I recently installed mvc 3 to evaluate it on my development machine. Soon i forgot about the same and was coding for However soon i came across some snags in Visual studio 2010. I was not able to watch any data. With a tight schedule i switched off to the good old “System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine”, in the hope that my next restart would correct the issue.

However the next restart and even a couple of days passed without the problem being solved so i googled around with the keyword “Unable to evaluate the expression” and as usual got the solution from DREW MILLER and Laurent Kempé. Please find the links below.

Links :

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Using Merge in Sql Server 2008


I came to know about merge through my friend, my colleague and my partner Gireesh. Thanks for the effort he put in.


The scenario for using Sql Server 2008 Merge?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Office 2010–Read all mail as text and back to html

Recently to check how emails display in text only format in office 2010, i turned on the option to “Read all mail as text”, but thanks to my forgetfulness after 2 days i had forgotten where the option was. So the steps for “Reading all mail as text” and reverting it back to html is documented below:

To Turn on the Read all standard mail in plain text

In office 2010:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Learning WCF - windows communication foundation

It is the umpteenth time i am starting on wcf, however each time since the study is not documented, i find myself staring at the same place. Hoping this documentation through my blog will help me graduate to the next step.

Steps to learn WCF?

  1. Build a live WCF hello world service.
  2. Host the WCF service in
    1. A console.
    2. A windows service.
    3. IIS.
  3. Consume the WCF Service in
    1. Console
    2. Windows Form
    3. Silverlight
    4. Windows 7 Mobile
    5. Android & IPhone (don’t know the possibilities but no one can deny my wish list.)
  4. …… till Infinity (My wish list doesn’t end).

Now with the steps outlined, i will be posting each step as a separate blog, i will also be updating a list of all references to learn wcf i come across in a separate blog.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Correct schema in a sql server database

Recently we came across the condition where there were multiple schema’s for the same object. Hope someone finds this useful.

This was solved using by running the result set of this query.


Select 'Alter Schema dbo Transfer ' + [s].name+'.'  from sys.schemas s inner join sys.objects o on s.schema_id = o.schema_id and = 'Test_user'
So what does this do? 
This simply transfers each object’s schema to dbo.

Sunday, August 1, 2010 MVC Website Speed Optimization Series – Text Compression

With our movie booking/reservation website being released, it is now time to ensure that the website runs at the maximum speed possible. Since i will be optimizing the website in steps and if my plans of documenting each step into a blog goes fine then this will be a series of blogs. Hope someone finds this useful.
I analyzed the website speed using pagespeed which is a firefox addon from google, ps. this also requires the Firebug addin to be installed. I also used YSlow from yahoo. The analysis left me with the some issues. The issue i am solving now is:
With YSlow we get: