Friday, December 24, 2010

Making the url seo friendly in MVC

While performing search engine optimization on our online movie booking website  which is developed in mvc, i came across a few issues which i am now blogging about.


The movies details page of our website had the url, now the problem with such a url is:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Visual Studio Debugging - Unable to evaluate the expression


I recently installed mvc 3 to evaluate it on my development machine. Soon i forgot about the same and was coding for However soon i came across some snags in Visual studio 2010. I was not able to watch any data. With a tight schedule i switched off to the good old “System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine”, in the hope that my next restart would correct the issue.

However the next restart and even a couple of days passed without the problem being solved so i googled around with the keyword “Unable to evaluate the expression” and as usual got the solution from DREW MILLER and Laurent KempĂ©. Please find the links below.

Links :