Friday, April 22, 2011

Pivot to Convert Rows into Columns



I need to convert the table as show in the figure above to the one on the right hand side. Using Sql servers Pivot we can easily get this done. Please see the script below:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Get all descendants of a parent using CTE


Declare @TblLocations Table(Id Int, Name Varchar(50), ParentId Int)
Insert into @TblLocations(Id, Name, ParentId)
Values(1, 'India', Null)
Insert into @TblLocations(Id, Name, ParentId)
Values(2, 'Kerala', 1)
Insert into @TblLocations(Id, Name, ParentId)
Values(3, 'Tamil Nadu', 1)
Insert into @TblLocations(Id, Name, ParentId)
Values(4, 'Kochi', 2)
Insert into @TblLocations(Id, Name, ParentId)
Values(5, 'Chennai', 3)

;With Locations As
Select * From @TblLocations
Where ParentId = 3
Union All

Select Child.* from @TblLocations Child Inner join Locations Parent on Child.ParentId = Parent.Id
Select * from Locations